Welcome to my world...

Hi everyone and welcome to my little piece of the world!

It has been evident to me since I was in about seventh grade, that I love writing and it is a talent I have been blessed with . It wasn't until I reached the ripe old age of 28 though, that I realized God had a much bigger plan for the gift he had given me.

Through blogging on MySpace, I was able to reach not only those that I knew in my own life, but also complete strangers and was amazed at how just my "ramblings" had helped so many people to be inspired, encouraged, or just to think about things in a new way.

From there, it grew into an inspirational column in The Charlotte Observer, then a religious news column in The Statesville Record & Landmark, a speaking engagment for a women's church group and now, a gig as a religion news freelance writer for The Charlotte Observer.

The writing that is closest to my heart though is not the news reporting, but the words that come from my soul - the words that I know God puts there not only to help me to understand life better, but also those around me.

I hope you feel encouraged, enlightened and inspired but what you read here and of course, I look forward to hearing back from you too!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Repairvite Update #2

Sorry that it's taken me a little while to post another update about the diet.  Things have been busy lately but in a very good way.

So as for the diet, I don't feel like a whole lot has changed.  I had my follow-up appointment with the naturopathic doctor about a week and a half ago and he said he thought we were "on the right track."  I'm supposed to keep doing the supplements and restricted diet for 5 more weeks (ugh) and do bloodwork again in about 4 weeks, so we can check any progress at my next appointment.

Overall, I'd say my stomach is less audibly grumbly but that's about the only thing I've noticed.  Actually, that and I sleep through the night now.  Thankgoodness.  My GI system still seems pretty out of whack most of the time though and I always feel SO tired.  I barely have enough energy to stand in the shower, cook dinner or put clothes in the washing machine.  I have no clue how I'm supposed to start exercising.  BUT... apparently all of this is normal for what he thinks is going on.  So I just have to keep hoping that it will improve.  I have to say, Dr. Oz did an episode on Leaky Gut Syndrome the other day and it sounded like they were talking about me.  And I'm sure the lining in my gut won't be magically repaired in 8 weeks so I guess I have to just be patient.

As for the diet part though, I want to encourage anyone out there that's on the same diet or about to be and is struggling or worried, it's not as bad as you think!  The key definitely is being prepared and taking the time to prepare good meals.  I'll admit, that has been very hard for me.  I've always been a fan of "convenience" foods and not taking any longer than about 10 minutes to make a meal.  I don't like standing and cutting or chopping and I certainly don't like preparing a meal for 45 minutes that will take me all of 5 minutes to eat.  But, I haven't had a choice lately and it is definitely easier if I plan ahead and follow a recipe. 

I'll mention again that I found a website that has been a LIFESAVER for me.  It's www.allergyfreemenuplanners.com.  She has the best recipes, all geared toward people on restricted diets and they are all simple and fairly quick.  She even puts together a shopping list for you each week.  Since I really started putting forth the effort of trying more recipes and expanding the list of ingredients I can have, I have made some really yummy things including:

-Carob chip cookies
-Apple cinnamon pancakes
-Tomato free chili
-Grain free spaghetti with tomato free marinara sauce

I've even made bbq sauce, breakfast syrup and "chocolate" from scratch!  Sure it helped that I've been unemployed the past month and had a little more time than usual, but even when I start my new job on Monday, I still plan on following my menu plans each week and hopefully doing a lot of prep on the weekends.

So hang in there and please share your experiences if you are on the same diet.  Or even if you're not!  I'm going to try to keep posting updates as I continue to go along.  And hopefully one day soon, I will write the "I can't believe how great I feel" post!  :-)

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