Welcome to my world...

Hi everyone and welcome to my little piece of the world!

It has been evident to me since I was in about seventh grade, that I love writing and it is a talent I have been blessed with . It wasn't until I reached the ripe old age of 28 though, that I realized God had a much bigger plan for the gift he had given me.

Through blogging on MySpace, I was able to reach not only those that I knew in my own life, but also complete strangers and was amazed at how just my "ramblings" had helped so many people to be inspired, encouraged, or just to think about things in a new way.

From there, it grew into an inspirational column in The Charlotte Observer, then a religious news column in The Statesville Record & Landmark, a speaking engagment for a women's church group and now, a gig as a religion news freelance writer for The Charlotte Observer.

The writing that is closest to my heart though is not the news reporting, but the words that come from my soul - the words that I know God puts there not only to help me to understand life better, but also those around me.

I hope you feel encouraged, enlightened and inspired but what you read here and of course, I look forward to hearing back from you too!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Are You Longing For More?

P31 OBS Blog Hop

Do you ever find yourself yearning for more? Even though you're not really sure what you want "more" of?

Do you keep thinking there has to be more to life than the monotonous routine you're stuck in day to day?

We've all had these feelings. Longing for more in our lives but not sure what it means or how to get it. That's because God wired us for a much richer experience than just bills, errands and work. He wants to have an intimate connection with us and to give us a life full of richness and blessings.

But it is a two way street and we need to pursue our relationship with God just as passionately as we would anything else we want in life. Often, it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of pursuing the perfect job, the higher salary, the object of our romantic desires or the perfect home. But more importantly than any of these Earthly desires, is our soul's desire for a deeper experience.

As you go through your mundane daily activities, how aware are you of God's presence?

That's right! God is still there... when you're washing the dishes, picking up the kids at school or typing away at your desk. He never left your side and He wants you to do EVERYTHING for His glory. Even those daily activities that may seem trivial or insignificant.

So how can you be intentional about pursuing God every day and becoming more aware of His presence at all times?

  • Start off each day with at least 10-15 minutes of quiet time with God. It might not sound like a lot, but starting your day off EVERY day by talking to God puts you in a grateful state of mind and opens your ears to God's voice.
  • As you go through your daily activities, picture God right there beside you! That's right, visualize Him sitting in the cubicle next to you at work or in the car behind you in the carpool line. Remember, even though you cannot see Him, He is always with you. In fact, the more you tune in to His presence in this way, the more you will "see" and "hear" Him... in a song on the radio, the smile of a stranger passing by or the sun shining through your window.
  • Ask yourself how you can bring glory to God in everything you do. Although you might think there is no way your mundane tasks can mean anything to God, they can. If you answer phones for a living, you can convey the love and patience of Christ in how you treat the people on the other end of the phone. If you serve hamburgers, do it with a smile and be the light in someone's otherwise dark day.
  • Be grateful! God is always blessing us. All day, every day! But so often, we are too caught up in our busyness to realize it. Thank Him for every blessing you receive, both big and small. The parking spot close to the door or the highway free of traffic when you're running late to work. When you take the time to acknowledge your blessings and give thanks for them, you will find yourself not only closer to God's presence but enveloped in it.
  • Say goodnight to Him every night. Just as important as beginning your day with God, is ending your day with God. Put all your cares on Him, thank Him for the blessings of your day and ask Him to show up tomorrow. By beginning and ending all of your days with God, whether they're significant or mundane, you keep yourself in His presence.

Your were designed to be in close relationship with God.  Don't let the busyness of life steal that joy away.  You already have the power to quench what your soul is longing for... all you have to do is LOOK UP.

Saving the Children of Moldova

I recently attended the She Speaks Conference in Concord, NC and was privileged to meet the people of Children's HopeChest. They had a table set up in the lobby for the entire length of the conference but what really got my attention was a video that was played for us during a break-out session about serving out of your passion. Two of the ladies at the conference had won a mission trip to Moldova as part of a contest at last year's She Speaks. They went to Moldova, not knowing what exactly to expect or how they would be able to make a difference. Both of their stories brought everyone in the room to tears... how moved they were to meet the young girls that had been rescued from a life of sex trafficking and how God used each of their past experiences to help these girls in the present. When you have a moment, check them out at www.hopechest.org or like them on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ChildrensHopeChest.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Tired of Putting Your Dog in a Kennel? Board With Me Instead!

You never have to go to a kennel again! Check out my home dog boarding profile on DogVacay.com and use my coupon code GIMMETEN to get $10 off your first booking.